Approvent - Ventilation Inspection
The benefits of Approvent
- Time saving
- User friendly
- Digital signature
- Offline mode

More info
Companies that have supported us in the development of Approvent.
The problem
The solution

There are about 1700 certified ventilation inspectors in Sweden, today many of the
inspectors work analogously.
We have understood that inspections often are performed with the help of a computer, paper and pencil. It is common for the inspector to take these tools to the building where the inspection is performed. The inspection report is written, printed and signed at the office.
This results in long administrative processes and rewriting and printing of physical protocols.

Approvent today digitalizes the process of creating, signing and sending inspection protocols, specifically for ventilation inspections.
The app's functions and design are developed together with inspectors in the industry, the app is thus specifically developed for inspectors to have an efficient and easy-to-use digital work tool for performing inspections.
The goal is for the inspector to save time and avoid administration.

Schedule your jobs in the calendar
Upcoming jobs are added to the calendar,
you will also find jobs that have already been completed.
Overview of the inspection
The app is designed for a logical workflow.
It should be easy to log information when you are working in different environments.

If you measure the values,
we take care of the calculations
Thanks to mathematical formulas adapted to your specific tasks,
we can make your job easier and faster.
Digital signing, of course
Stop printing paper,
sign digitally directly on the screen.

The history of Approvent

The first of many interviews with inspectors was conducted

Development of the app started in Xamarin with the language C #.

The idea was coined at Innovatum Science Park in Trollhättan
Design and functions were determined
The app was launched on the Google Play Store and App Store
Development continues
October 2019
November 2019
May 2020
March 2020
November 2020
Are you interested in testing the inspection app?
This is how it works

Digital review
Fill in the form below, we sumit you for a digital meeting where we together go through how the digitals inspection solution Approvent works.

Free trial
You get to test the app in your work and create your own perception of whether it is a way of working that will work for you. We are available by phone and email to support.

Reconciliation after trial
After the free trial we have a reconciliation where we listen to what you think and feel about the app and if it is a way of working you want to continue with.
More about ventilation inspections
In Sweden, it is statutory for properties to undergo a ventilation inspection every 3 or 6 years. The purpose of the inspection is to improve the indoor climate and check that the ventilation system works satisfactorily.
People who have the certification are experts and inspect ventilation systems on a daily basis. The inspectors create and sign inspection protocols with an accompanying certificate which is proof that the inspection has been performed with an approved grade.